Explore The Future

Joel Barker's Implications Wheel (TM) is a strategic exploration tool. The highly interactive process quickly helps group participants discover multiple levels of mid- to long-term implications of ideas, changes, decisions, etc.

Scouting The Future

Anticipate, Identify, and Effectively Take Advantage of Change

Take the Wheel for a Spin

Consider the worth to your ministry if you, your staff, and your congregation could discover the multitude of very positive future implications of a major upcoming decision. Planting a Church? Building Expansion? Expanding your Church Staff?

What would it be worth to your ministry if you, your staff, and your congregation could also discover the multitude of very negative future implications of this upcoming decision.

The Implications Wheel (TM) is designed to do both, and provide you with a map showing where you need to plan for success and protect from failure.

Contact us to discover the possibilities. The implications will be significant!

Nineteenth century pioneers in the American West successfully navigated uncertain terrain by using scouts to help them identify and prepare for the many risks and opportunities that were found “just over the horizon.” The scouting process proved to have value because it incorporated the following critical attributes:

Speed:  Observations from quick looks

ScatterMultiple views from different perspectives

SamplingObservations, impressions and images  qualified by experience.

MappingSufficient detail to give the “lay of the land.”

Decision-enhancing informationThe ultimate  decision on which way to proceed was made by the wagon master, not by the scouts. 

These attributes are equally relevant for today's decision makers, who are called upon to navigate the unchartered territory of the future. Understanding the consequences of decisions—and being able to identify them ahead of time—provides decision-makers with a powerful competitive advantage.